- 查看某端口下的arp地址如下
[1楼护士站S5016PV5-EI-GigabitEthernet1/0/3]display mac-address inter g1/0/15
MAC Address VLAN ID State Port/Nickname Aging
18c0-4d53-bf59 1 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
743a-2094-4dc7 1 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
74d4-35c9-3674 1 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
98f1-81ce-29d5 1 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
905d-7c97-c3f7 20 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
905d-7c97-c4ba 20 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
98f1-81ce-29d5 20 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
1038-1f4f-b23c 30 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
809f-9bcc-52a6 30 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
905d-7c97-c3f7 30 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
905d-7c97-c4ba 30 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
925a-c1f8-c7bb 30 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
98f1-81ce-29d5 30 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
a09d-c1c6-684c 30 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
ccaf-786c-b710 30 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
240f-9b24-26e0 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
40ac-bf6d-3f64 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
40ac-bf6d-3f9b 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
40ac-bf72-1d9e 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
40ac-bf72-1ebd 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
40ac-bf72-1ee4 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
40ac-bf72-1fc6 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
40ac-bf72-2085 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
40ac-bf8c-2c79 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
40ac-bf8c-2fad 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
40ac-bf8c-2fdf 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
40ac-bf8c-30fc 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
40ac-bf8c-32c3 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
98f1-81ce-29d5 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
d4e8-536b-760c 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
d4e8-536b-761b 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
d4e8-536b-76d5 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
d4e8-536b-7855 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
d4e8-536b-78b9 40 Learned GE1/0/15 Y
- 清空interface g1/0/15 接口下ARP缓存
<1楼护士站S5016PV5-EI>reset arp inte
<1楼护士站S5016PV5-EI>reset arp interface g1/0/15
This will delete all dynamic entries under the interface that you have specified. Continue? [Y/N]:
- 清空整个ARP表
<1楼护士站S5016PV5-EI>reset arp all
This will delete all entries. Continue? [Y/N]:y
H3C MER5200路由VPN配置:https://www.hao0564.com/2435.html
1, system-view
[H3C] arp static delete ip-address
2,[H3C] arp static delete
3,[H3C] arp dynamic delete